Parking Lot Safety Equipment: Types And Benefits

November 1, 2022
Advice, Automotive

Aside from roads and highways, parking lots, especially those run by commercial establishments, can also be busy areas prone to accidents and other safety hazards. When these unfortunate things happen, there’s a high chance you’ll get involved in lawsuits, obtain negative publicity for the business, and lose customers who are discouraged from patronizing your business.

To help avert parking accidents, it is where parking lot safety equipment enters the picture. They’re composed of devices and tools designed to prevent vehicles from damaging other cars, properties, and the establishment. Generally, there are different types of parking lot safety equipment that you may consider when keeping your parking lot safe and secure.

Read on to learn about the various types of parking lot safety equipment and their benefits.

Wheel Stops

These pieces of equipment are small barriers positioned at the front of a parking space used to prevent vehicles from going beyond the parking lines and damaging other cars in the adjacent areas. They can help also control the traffic in an enclosed or tight parking area.

The following are some benefits of using wheel stops for your parking lot:

  • Durability: Since they’re made from concrete and rubber, they’re durable and resistant to cracking, crumbling, and corrosion. As such, they don’t collapse easily.
  • Visibility: Since they’re usually covered in vibrant colors, they’re very visible, making it easier for the drivers to navigate the parking lot safely.
  • Easy Installation: They’re easy to install on the ground. You don’t need to call many mechanics since you can do the installation with minimal effort.

Indeed, using wheel stops to ensure parking lot safety can be an excellent idea. Hence, if you’re looking for concrete or rubber wheel stops and other stop options, you can browse through the internet to get more information about these products.

Clearance Bars

Clearance bars are another parking lot safety equipment that serves as a visual warning bar to minimize property damage. They’re also placed in parking areas to help pedestrians and vehicles to be aware of some low-clearance areas.

The following are some benefits of using clearance bars in your parking lot:

  • Maintenance-Free: Clearance bars have little maintenance requirements since they’re durable. They won’t crack, fade, or peel easily.
  • High Visibility: Commonly available in yellow color, clearance bars are apparent, which can help drivers prevent property damage.
  • Customizable: Clearance bars can be customized for awareness or messaging purposes. Alerts and other warning messages can be added to warn entrance in restricted areas.

As such, they are a perfect choice if you’re looking for parking lot safety equipment that’s low-cost but does its job.


These are other safety equipment you should consider for your parking lot. Bollards refer to metal posts designed to safeguard parking spaces to keep safe interactions between pedestrians and cars. They also add a layer of protection against the impact associated with car accidents. Bollards can be categorized as permanent, removable, and collapsible.

If you decide to use bollards for your parking lot, you may be able to take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Improved Aesthetics: Aside from keeping your parking areas safe, bollards can also improve the aesthetics of your establishments.
  • Security For Storefronts: Bollards can help protect the storefronts by preventing vehicles from crashing into them and causing damage to properties and, in extreme cases, to people around the area.
  • Crime Deterrence: Bollards can also help deter criminals from breaking into your property. The sight of bollards on your property can be sufficient to prevent criminals from attempting to do malicious acts, including smash-and-grabs.

Bollards come in different types. They can be decorative, fixed, removable, lighted, manual, or automatic. Depending on how and where you’ll use them, you must pick the one that will serve you best.

Speed Bumps And Humps

If you’re a property owner, using speed bumps and humps can be another effective way of improving parking lot safety. They’re known as traffic calming devices that utilize vertical deflection to slow down motor vehicle traffic. In other words, speed bumps and humps are designed to prevent cars from over speeding in parking lots.

The following are some ways speed bumps and humps can benefit your parking area:

  • Reduced Risk Of Speed-Related Accidents: Since they prevent vehicles from driving with excess speed, especially in enclosed parking lots, speed bumps and humps can lower the risk of speed-related accidents that can cause injury and property damage.
  • Cost-Effective: Installing speed bumps and humps can be more cost-effective than hiring traffic personnel to implement traffic limits.
  • Decreased Traffic Noise: When you install speed bumps and humps to slow down the speed of the vehicles, you can lower the traffic noise in your parking area.

So if you have a wide parking space, it’d be ideal to install speed bumps and humps to ensure no driver drives at an excessive speed in the area. This way, you can help avoid accidents for your customers.


Busy parking lots don’t have to be dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians. There are devices and equipment that can be used to ensure safety and security in your parking area and its users. Hence, if you’re looking for these safety items, keep the above information in mind. That way, you’ll know the different types of parking lot safety equipment and their essential benefits to your parking lot.