How To Get Started In Motorcycle Racing

April 2, 2021

  • Motorcycle Racing

Motorcycle racing is something that can bring a lot of excitement into your life; when else will you get the chance to ride your motorcycle at such fast speeds and in competition with others in a safe, legal way? If this is what you want to do, it’s the only option; luckily, there are plenty of races to join in with if you want to experience the adrenaline rush that comes with riding on your bike. Read on to find out how to get started.

Motorcycle Racing

Image by Jiří Rotrekl from Pixabay

Get The Right Motorcycle

Before you can begin racing, you’ll need the right motorcycle and all the safety equipment that comes with it. A motorcycle used for racing is not the same as the one you might ride on the normal roads, so you will need to research precisely what you want, and then you’ll need to make sure you’re comfortable riding the machine. It may take some practice, and it will certainly take practice to be safe and fast simultaneously.

Of course, buying a racing motorcycle will cost you money, and then you should add the cost of shipping that bike to you to ensure you can cover everything – you can go online and find shipping tools that help with estimating the cost. The good news is, this is the only significant cost associated with motorcycle racing since it is affordable and accessible to almost everyone.

Join The AMA

Once you feel you are ready to start racing, you will have to join the AMA – the American Motorcyclist Association. In this way, you’ll be able to race in AMA-sanctioned events which will have rules and guidelines attached. It’s best to join this organization and to follow the rules as they are there for safety reasons and to ensure that all competitors have the same advantages and have fun while they’re racing.

When you’re a member, you’ll have access to many different races and other events, and you won’t even miss out on anything. Plus, being part of an organization like this is helpful as you’ll be able to get advice from more experienced racers and even make friends.

Find An Event

Finally, it’s time to find an event. You can do this online through the AMA website. Input your location, your experience level, what size bike you have, and so on, and you will be given a list of potential races to be a part of.

Once you find something that works for you, register as a participant and make arrangements to get yourself, your motorcycle, and your safety equipment to the race with at least an hour to spare before it starts.

Even if you don’t win every race (or any race), when it comes to motorcycle racing, it really is the taking part that counts; there is nothing quite as exhilarating as racing around a track on a bike made for speed. If you do win, you could even consider taking up motorcycle racing in a more professional way, although this will cost much more. The choice will be entirely yours.