Formula E. Propaganda for electric cars or the younger brother of Formula 1?

January 25, 2024

Until recently, Formula 1 was the hegemon in the world of motorsport. It broke popularity records yearly and became one of the most anticipated sporting events in every country in which the race was held. However, relatively recently, it has a competitor called Formula E. This series of racing on electric cars has appeal, so in a few years, it can become a full-fledged alternative to the queen of motorsports.

History of Formula E

The history of Formula E is inextricably linked with the development of the electric car industry. Many well-known manufacturers of such cars have gradually become convinced of the need to switch from fuel engines to electric ones. This was the beginning of a new era that was emerging. Today, you can still buy a used or wrecked Dodge Charger with a fuel engine, but new models of this legendary car will already be electric. The same situation occurs with other prevalent vehicles that have left their mark on history.

If we project all of the above onto motorsport, Formula E will become a modern alternative to the legendary Formula 1. It officially appeared in 2012 when the FIA registered this auto-racing series. However, the first competition took place only in 2014. During these two years, many important events took place that made the existence of electric cars in racing possible. One of the critical moments in the history of Formula E was the creation in November 2012 of an electric motor adapted for racing in urban environments. It was explicitly developed for Formula E and set a standard that was followed over the next few years. A few days later, development began on the cars themselves and the batteries that would provide them with energy for long races. This work was carried out by many leading companies worldwide, as well as divisions of some Formula 1 teams. In 2013, a tire supplier and technical partner for the new championship was selected.

In early autumn 2013, an electric car was presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show, which will be used by all teams participating in the first Formula E championship. Many motorsport legends and senior management of the FIA attended this landmark event. In the summer of 2014, the first tests were carried out on the famous British Donington Park circuit, and the championship began in the fall. The exciting racing left no one indifferent, and many influential people wanted to invest in Formula E. This made the tournament open. Already from the second season, any manufacturer could engage in the development of such essential design elements as power plants. The following championships also gave the audience many unforgettable moments. In 2020, Formula E officially became a world championship.

The tenth-anniversary championship is being held today. It includes 16 so-called ePrix, each involving 11 teams (2 drivers). Formula E will visit Europe, Asia, and North and South America between January and July. Each race will become an important sporting event and bring many positive emotions to motorsport fans.

The main goals of creating an alternative Formula 1

Formula E was initially created to promote electric cars. She secured the support of well-known automakers and attracted the attention of influential people who had not previously been associated with motorsports. Altogether, it has made itself a reasonably recognizable brand that should tell everyone about the need to abandon fuel engines gradually. Formula E must become popular among the younger generation, as well as middle-aged and older people. This gives me hope for her successful future.

Formula E became the first series in the history of motorsports, where participants competed with each other in cars that did not harm the environment. Protecting the latter is also one of the critical goals of creating an alternative to Formula 1. With the help of auto racing, it is possible to draw attention to various environmental issues that are relevant today. Unlike Formula 1, most of the competition occurs on city tracks, an additional incentive for using electric cars in the world’s largest cities. We should also not forget that Formula E helps to eliminate the stereotype, according to which many consider electric vehicles to be slow and not the most convenient to drive.

Critical differences from Formula 1

Even though Formula E and Formula 1 are pretty close relatives, they have many differences. Each racing series attracts attention with unique features its competitors do not have. The first thing that immediately catches your eye when comparing Formula E and Formula 1 is the difference in speed. The older brother’s is 80-90 mph higher. Many speed lovers consider this feature to be the main disadvantage of Formula E. However, the competition regulations change every year, and the cars themselves develop. This makes it possible to reduce the difference in maximum speed gradually.

The second noticeable difference is that Formula 1 cars accelerate approximately 1.5 times faster than Formula E cars. This is due to many factors that still need to be changed. However, for many motorsport fans, the slower start in Formula E is just as attractive in fighting for position in the race as in Formula 1. Another significant difference among motorsport fans is the difference between a fuel engine’s loud sound and an electric one’s quiet operation. This is a severe disadvantage for some, but for others, it is a huge advantage. Both options have a right to exist, and it isn’t easy to name the best.

The lower top speed combined with the easier handling of a Formula E car results in a critical difference in women’s accessibility. Due to physiological characteristics, it is difficult for the fair sex to withstand massive overloads in Formula 1, so Formula E is an ideal option for them. The number of female racers is expected to increase shortly, which will significantly expand the viewing audience. The last of the key differences is the difference in the geographical breadth of the races. If Formula 1 competitions are held mainly on the same circuits, then in Formula E, the streets of almost any developed city can become the place for racing. This makes it possible to select a unique calendar of competitions annually, where people from different countries and continents can see at least a few races with their own eyes.

The future of Formula E

Formula E is a much more promising series than Formula 1. Even though the older brother is significantly superior to the younger one in most aspects, the situation may change dramatically in the future. This will be facilitated by the expansion of environmental programs, which is why racing in fuel-powered cars may become prohibited in some countries. In addition, today’s Formula E leaders claim enormous development prospects. They are associated with greater freedom of action than in Formula 1 and with the possibility of upgrading electric cars. Shortly, there will be more powerful batteries and new motor technologies, and numerous projects will be implemented to improve the safety of electric car racing. Naturally, some modernization steps will be copied from Formula 1, making Formula E even more progressive. In many other areas, future electric-powered cars may have advantages over their big brother. In this regard, there is no doubt that within a few years, Formula E will become a top competition, attracting the attention of millions of motorsport fans worldwide.

Formula E is the racing series of the future. She overcame the difficult formation period, withstood competition from other competitions, and began her long development path. It combines the excitement inherent in all motor racing and the opportunity to popularize environmentally friendly cars, so it has already become a worthy competitor to its older brother, Formula 1. We cannot look into the future, but many are confident that Formula E will be one of the most spectacular sporting events in a few years.