Decoding the Magic - What Makes Car Commercials So Compelling?

January 8, 2024

Have you ever wondered why car commercials are so appealing to watch? You find yourself completely glued to the screen, compelled by the sound, cinematic visuals, and transitions that are put together effortlessly.

Car advertisements have been a staple for TV for decades, and they’ve only gotten better with time. Whether it’s a sleek, luxurious Sudan or a powerful Toyota Hilux, car advertisements have a way of capturing your attention.

So, how is this done, and what can you learn from these techniques? Keep reading to learn the tactics and strategies used by advertisers that draw you in when watching car commercials.

Advertisers Know Who They’re Targeting

You may think that advertisers target the same demographic when creating a car commercial. But the truth is, there are various types of customers depending on the brand of the car that’s being sold.

For example, customers who are looking for large trucks like the Ford 2024 Ranger may use the vehicle on farms or for 4X4 rallies. Commercials for this sort of car may feature a vehicle driving on various terrains or through mud and water to showcase its durability.

On the other hand, sporty cars such as the Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 may appeal to a younger demographic looking for speed and agility on the roads. Commercials for sporty cars may feature a vehicle racing or taking sharp corners with ease.

With that being said, advertisers know how to create car commercials that appeal to their specific target audience. They’ll use elements that show their audience the benefits the car can provide.

Utilizing the Best Frames and Angles

Another reason why car commercials are so appealing is that advertisers know the best frames and angles of a vehicle to use in the advertisement. They may take top views of a car when it’s speeding down a road or bottom views to capture tires driving through water.

These commercials show the most appealing parts of the car, like the front and rear. There may be side shots of the car in slow motion to show audiences the shape and color of a vehicle. All these elements matter in a commercial but it’s done in an eye-catching way.

The Format of the Car Commercial Matters

You can have the best shots of a car, but if your scenes are placed randomly in an advertisement, it can confuse the viewer. Additionally, placing transitions in the incorrect places can make your commercial feel unnatural.

The format of a car commercial plays an important role in capturing the attention of a viewer. Each scene must be placed in sequence with appropriate transitions so that the commercial flows naturally.

In car commercials, scenes play out like a movie. There may be narrations or added background music to make the viewer feel the excitement of watching the car scenes play out. Typically, the slogan and branding will appear at the end of the commercial, along with full-view footage of the car.

With the right format, the scenes become more cohesive, creating an immersive experience for the viewer.

Using Memorable Slogans

Many car companies use slogans in their commercials to create brand recognition. When viewers hear and see a slogan repeatedly, it becomes associated with a brand, making it easier to identify certain cars.

Additionally, slogans are ideal for car brands to stand out from their competitors by emphasizing specific benefits or features of a vehicle. These slogans can also help advertisers create comical commercials.

A perfect example is the South African ads for Opel Corsa Lite back in the early 2000s. These car commercials were humorous and memorable and included the slogan, “Corsa, The Lite Side of Life.”

Music Can Transform a Boring Car Ad

Some car commercials wouldn’t be what they are if it weren’t for the music added to the scenes. That’s because music has the ability to tap into an audience’s emotions, making them feel excited or happy. Using the right song can even make your audience feel nostalgic.

Some of the best examples include the commercial for BMW Olympic that used the Awolnation song ‘Sail.’ If you want to create ads with music that will capture your audience, you can look for business music plans that have a library of tunes that will set the pace for your commercials.

Final Thoughts

Now you know why car commercials are so captivating. Advertisers use various techniques and strategies to create compelling commercials that appeal to their demographic. If you’re an aspiring advertiser, use the tips provided in this post so you can create unique and memorable ads that will stand the test of time.